Anxiety in the practice room can look very different.
- It can look like rigid discipline.
- Like a bad voice day
- Like ambitious perfectionism
- Like obsession with details
- Like an almost daily condern about voice health
- Like overthinking technique or like corrections’ overwhelm
- Like micromanaging and loosing the sense of wholeness
- Like repeating until “mistake free”.
- Like impatience towards some challenge that “should be already working”.
- Like longing and not getting there.
- Like hyperfocus
- Like running out of choices.
- And even like very “well thought” technical strategies
Sing well when it matters
1:1 Coaching
7 Sessions à 90 minutes
Online or in my studio, in Düsseldorf
€ 1.440.-
Installment payments possible.
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When it comes to high performance on stage, your desire of being or becoming an outstanding, happy singing professional and feeling comfortable – with almost every career challenge, mostly collides with the fact that your autonomic nervous system is working to keep you alive.
Blood pressure, muscle tension, sugar and temperature regulation, digestion, heart rate, breathing… A whole vivid system autonomously working for you to survive.
Without you even thinking or coordinating it.
You Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) scans the world constantly and before you consciously get it, it sends signals to the brain to keep calm, relax, connect, digest or to deliver energy to fight or flee, for example.
Anxiety is the body language of our ANS. It is a brain automated survival function, steadily updating your possibilites to outlive.
We cannot eradicate it. We can only integrate it in our experiences
WHAT IF there is a way to practice, a way to sing, where anxiety is not an issue but a tool to work with… A tool that that makes space for ease and sensitive singing precision.
…one that turns perfectionism into the sensitive artfulness of navigating your voice, ears and body
… one that opens sound possibilities and restores your sense of choice
… one that allows you to shape your sound intentions according to those possibilities
… one that allows your sound to become richer with little effort
… one that allows registration, coloratura, runs and riffs to work organically
… one that turns judgemental listening into functional listening
… one that turns a productivity mindset into a vivid, creative and rewarding process
It’s not about chasing new techniques or running away from voice challenges.
Nothing to find, nothing to avoid.
It’s about… pure presence.

What Singers are saying…

“I definetely recommend the BAD TO VIVID VOICE DAYS workshop for singers
who’d like to understand the relationtionship between ANS and voice or for those
who are looking for an integrated approach to singing as a whole body-mind
experience and probaly are a little bit tired of micro-managing;)
Thank you very much for your workshop and sharing your knowledge with us,
being helpful, patient and supportive!”
“BAD TO VIVID VOICE DAYS is the perfect workshop to look behind the scenes
and get a way deeper understanding of the topic voice and how to work with voice
as an artist and teacher. It goes beyond technique and gives you new possibilities
of solving problems and approaching your voice in a holistic way. Explained very
well, scientific insights and very useful exercises!
Thank you very much! I really loved the workshop”
I am Gabriela Labanda
Singer – Singing Voice Specialist – Singing Teacher – Trauma Informed Voice Professional
After a traditional singing study and already in my first contract in Germany, I met the New Yorker singing teacher Cornelius Reid, and his Functional Voice Development.
With him, I had my first “Brain Based” singing approach. A completely new and efficient way of training singing functions that are physiologically self-organized: pitch accuracy, vibrato, intensity, messa di voce.
The vocal tract and the respiratory system are attached to a bigger system: the autonomic nervous system. Gaining autonomic awareness allowed me to close the gap between intentional & unvoluntary voice production. As a consequence the singing voice organize itself and produces a richer sound with ease.
Some years later, I met the Neuro Affective Relational Model and Somatic Experiencing and went deeper into the relationship singing voice-nervous system. Befriending them is the secret to restore voice health, high performance and the feeling well-being on stage.
This workshop combines both: self-organized singing and nervous system regulation to help singers deal with bad voice days, restore singing voice functions and the sense of safety and voice connection.

PURE PRESENCE allows you to:
- to grow your sense of safety during practices and on stage
• open up possibilities for high pressure situations
• tidy up your singing experience through the lenses of your ANS to gain sense of
wholeness as a singer
• think less and explore self organization in voice/body funtionality
• discover how anxiety relates to registration, breath, pitch accuracy, resonance
and presence
• experience sense of choice while navigating your voice, instead of repeating
inefficient singing habits
• to prevent strain and voice fatigue
• to make music with your voice sound, without thinking of technique
• to make career shifts confidently – like changing Fach or starting new musical
• to turn bad into vivid voice days.
PURE PRESENCE sessions include a theoretical framing and a practical part-adapted to your current & individual concerns and challenges – focusing in the following topics:
• ANS basics
• Singer’s anxiety and safety doors
• The musical body.
• The singer’s brain/body friendly practice
• The Self Organized Singing Voice
• Self Organized Singing Exersices
• The Voice/Body/Flow experience
Gabriela is an excellent coach. It was crucial for me to join her Openclasses – at Teatro San Martin, Tucumán, Argentina.
She guided me in my personal, artistic and voice control search. I learned tools for the prevention of voice disorders and strategies for high performance in auditions. Gabriela gives you the knowledge that every musician needs to achieve a life of well-being and enjoyment on stage.
“Sing well when it matters” is a program with tons of very important knowledge for a singer and even more for a singing teacher.
Befriending the nervous system and managing practice anxiety helps you tie-up many loose ends in your journey, both as a singer and as a singing teacher.
A lot of useful and interesting information to process and apply.
I participated in Gabriela’s Openclasses (Teatro San Martin, Argentina). Her audition’s training helped me feeling just good in auditions and competitions… And it has already yielded great results! I recently became a contract as a Soprano in an Opera Choir. Gabriela’s warm and human way of working towards excellence turned my pressure into enthusiasm. I also participated in her course Pedagogy of Singing (University’s Music Institute, Argentina). There, Gabriela weaves the art and science of singing and teaching… That’s when I realized: there is no good singing lesson without taking into account the person behind the voice.
If you are looking to widen your knowledge about the way your voice works and how your whole body can help in the process, “Sing well when it matters” is the course you need. The performer’s loop with the concepts of pre-performance and post-performance were new and very helpful to organize my expectations.
“Ears work”, fascinating. Here you’ll find concrete explanations of bodily functions that come together to make sound in a healthy and acoustically efficient way. Gabriela is generous with her knowledge and thorough in her explanations. I loved that she showed genuine interest in everyone’s questions and always took her time to answer them.
Finding a person with Gabriela’s experience and knowledge was what encouraged me the most. Her online program “Sing well when it matters” is a short course, based on specific knowledge about anxiety and a clear methodology to approach such a common feeling that can interfere in our performance. It opens possibilities for you to investigate and exercises to experiment and regulate your nervous system. The “group feeling” was a big plus to share with other musicians and realize you are not alone. On top, you can express individual doubts or experiences directly to Gabriela.
If you’re struggling with your voice, especially at important concerts or big events, I highly recommend you working with Gabriela. She clearly explains how nerves affect your body and your singing – and even better: she offers regulating solutions and exercises. So that, yes, you can “sing well when it matters!”. The way Gabriela delivered the course was very clear and pro. In combination with her expertise, that creates a lot of trust.
I’m happy I joined “Sing Well When It Matters”!
This course offers a new point of view over feelings, emotions and body responses while singing. Gabriela gently explains the science behind emotions and offers tools to cope with anxiety and difficult thoughts.
Thank you!
This course is practical and theoretical… at the end you understand better what to do in bad voice days… I understood how striving for perfectionism produces anxiety and complicates everything. Revealing was to feel and understand how anxiety affects singing and how you can regulate your nervous system and enhance performance. Gabriela gave practical, science based knowledge to help singers to help themselves…
Complex correlations were explained in an easy, interesting and very informative way. Examining the area and acknowledging the shared challenges in a supportive group was beneficial for me.
Building a toolbox to befriend anxiety and develop skills, amazing.